Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Keep Your Customers Happy

10 Ways for Contractors to Keep Their Current Customers Happy and Keep More Coming!

More and more of us are becoming contractors (over 200,000 according to CSO) and one of the key skills to being successful is knowing how to treat our customers in such a way as they keep giving us repeat work (the easiest sort of work to get).

  1. Consistently do a good job. Most businesses will accept that you have a bad day but what matters is what you deliver 95% of the time. Give your best every time and while it may not be said directly to you, it will be seen. Admit when you make a mistake and be willing to take responsibility when something hasn’t gone as planned.

  2. Stay out of office politics. Remember one of the reasons you became a contractor was to avoid politics. Well, keep doing that. Don’t get involved in gossiping about other staff members. Remember they work there all the time. You don’t.

  3. Keep your skills updated and let your customers know. In the world of IT in particular, you snooze you lose. Let your customers know when you are up to date on new programmes. It will keep them happy and keep work flowing for you!

  4. Invoice promptly and be nice to the accounts people. Invoice your customers regularly. One idea is to bring the invoice with you on the day you do the work so the person who is signing off gets it asap. The sooner you invoice your customers the sooner you get paid. And remember your payment can be held up in the accounts department so it pays to be pleasant to them!

  5. Form alliances with other contractors. Yes, I know they are supposed to be your competitors but many contractors create informal links with others in the same line of work. If you can’t take on a piece of work, it creates added value for your customer by being able to recommend another contractor. Make sure that the relationship is a reciprocal one.

  6. Be generous with your customers. Sometimes customers will ask you to do something that is outside the terms of your agreement with them e.g. answer a query for a customer. It always helps to offer to do this although it’s a good idea to specify a limit on this e.g. if the problem takes longer than 15 minutes to sort, you will bill for the time.

  7. Say no sometimes. In the beginning the temptation is to take on as much work as possible, but you need to be careful to schedule in downtime and r & d time so that you can keep your skills up to date. And remember you don’t have to give a reason.

  8. Prune out the crap customers. Any contractor will tell you about the horror customers they have. The ones who beat you down on price, then hassle you non-stop and after all that, delay payment. Quite often the contractor had a bad feeling about them but took them on anyhow…and then loses time with good customers because of it. Tell them you are not available or give them the names of other people they can go to. Go with your gut on these people!

  9. Make dealing with you a pleasure. Respond quickly to queries whether by phone or by e-mail. Let people know when you will be on holidays.

  10. Enjoy being a contractor. Contracting is not for everyone but if you enjoy it, there is a huge freedom and confidence that comes from knowing that you are employed over and over again for the quality of your work.

Anne Walsh is a life coach based in Co. Galway. You receive a free 10 part e-course called “Personal Freedom” when you sign up to her free monthly newsletter: Bring your best self to light at http://www.annewalshcoach.com You can also find many useful time management and stress tools at http://www.annewalshcoach.com/free_downloads.htm She can also be contacted at anne@annewalshcoach.com Comments and opinions always welcome--really!

Certified Roofing Contractor

How to Fire a Contractor

Plumbing Problems

Construction Estimating

Finding Your Dream Home

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Homemade solar power Ideas

There is no doubt about the fact that a solar power genration technique costs a lot dollars to be built. It is also true on the other side that these costs are only one time costs and would make you get rid of the monthly electricity bills. But the amount involved in buying these systems is immense and it can normally be not afforded by average individual. These systems are only made by very limited companies and sold at a much higher rate to the normal individuals or to the government. Solar power is attracting to almost every individual in this world. Solar power energy ideas system is very efficient and it produces the cleanest for energy ideas but the only factor which has never let the solar power energy ideas generating techniques more popular is the fact that they usually cost a lot. These techniques cost a lot of money even to the government itself. Though there are many products being made by the companies for the normal use at home but these cost a loty of dollars and are therefore not affordable by an average individual. They include many products like the garden lights, swimming pool pumps and the water fountains.

The fact that they cost a lot is not because the technology used to generate the energy ideas, but because of the technology known to very limited people. Since only few companies in the world produce these solar powered products therefore they sell it at a very high price as they know they do not have the many competitors. What interesting about the solar power products is the fact that you can even built some at home. Without any proper education and without being an engineer you can build a solar powered product.

There are many kinds of home made products available today. You can make a one by knowing the simple mechanism. It is also true that you can make one while using the material from your dump yard. The most common home made solar product is a hot water heater. It can be built with the help of simple wooden blocks, aluminum sheets and glass. This would be working as good as an ordinary solar water heater which costs thousands of dollars to be purchased.

Therefore learn the simple techniques and don't waste your precious dollars on something which you can make yourself. There is no criterion of the education to make these products and anyone can build them.

Solar power

Solar energy or solar power is the use of the sun to generate electricity or heat. The advances in this field are more than obvious if you spend any time researching the topic. With climate change being an important part of international discussion, alternative energy is a hot topic these days. Who can argue that taking advantage of a clean renewable energy like our sun is a bad idea? There are limits using the current technology but we can expect that to change as oil prices climb and geopolitical circumstances force the science into high speed.

There are many applications currently for the use of solar power. Many of us have used a calculator with the black solar panel on the top that runs on solar energy. Citizens all around the world employ some type of solar energy such as home made solar ovens or heating systems. While manufacturing costs have kept the use of solar energy to a minimum in some countries, it has not stopped the advance of the technology. New buildings are being built with a solar design by their architects. These structures are able to maintain a comfortable temperature by storing up heat or cooling the building using convection.

There are two classifications of solar energy, indirect or direct. Indirect solar power is similar to the process of photosynthesis. The process vegetation uses to convert sunlight into chemical energy. We can copy that system using mechanics such as wind turbines or hydroelectric dams. Direct solar power is the process of transforming sunlight into usable energy such as NASA does with solar sails on space craft. The direct conversion of sun into immediate energy using photovoltaic cells is a popular way to use solar power. You have probably seen the panels on top of houses and the only downside is the power generated is minimal. You have to have a lot of panels to get enough energy to run a household. Most users combine solar with electricity but it allows them to keep their coal-based electricity use to a minimum.

The key to solar power is the advance of necessary technology and lower manufacturing costs for the equipment needed. Some states and countries offer tax incentives to help citizens get started and we should all take full advantage of the offer as coal and oil based economies will become increasingly more difficult to sustain. Getting comfortable with the process now is a good education now that will become more and more important. There are many online organizations that are very happy to help integrate solar energy into your life.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Real Estate Sellers' Closing Costs

Congratulations! You have a contract to sell your house. You are looking at that sales price and thinking what a large number it is. However, that sales price is not the amount you will be taking home from the closing. What will be deducted from that price?

1. Real estate agent fee – before you put your property up for sale, you will probably have retained the services of a real estate agent who will help you sell your house. You will have signed a contract with the real estate agent which lists the fee that the agent will charge.

2. Attorney fee – a seller in certain parts of the country will retain a lawyer to represent him in the sale of real estate. In other states, the real estate broker and title company will perform some of the functions of an attorney that are not considered practicing law, i.e., completing a pre-printed Contract of Sale and preparing for and attending the closing. An attorney protects the seller’s interests at every step of the transaction. Attorneys fees generally range from $750 to $950.

3. Grantor transfer fee – Some of the states require the seller to pay a transfer fee on every property he/she sells, whether or not it is a personal residence. The fee is based on the sales price of the property and the rate may goes up at various sales prices.

4. Mortgage and related fees – If you have a mortgage on your property, the amount of the mortgage (plus any unpaid interest plus any late fees) will be deducted from your sales price. Prior to the closing, you will request a payoff statement from your lender that will set forth the amount that is necessary to pay the entire mortgage. If your mortgage lender has been escrowing money for the payment of your real estate taxes and homeowner’s insurance, they may deduct the escrow account funds from the total amount due. Other lenders send you a refund check after they have received the check for the payoff of the mortgage. The settlement agent may charge you a fee for obtaining the Discharge (or Satisfaction) of Mortgage. This fee is approximately $75.00; there may be an additional charge for overnight mail to send the check paying off the mortgage to the lender and record the Discharge of Mortgage.

5. Home inspection repairs – the buyer will typically retain a home inspector to look through your entire house (roof to Foundation) to find any structural problems or problems with the heating, cooling and electrical systems. The home inspector will send a written report to the buyer’s attorney or real estate agent who will forward a copy to your attorney or real estate agent with a request that you make certain repairs. Certain repairs must be made only because if this buyer raises it as an issue, every buyer will raise it as an issue. These types of repairs include problems with the roof, termites, Mold, boiler, water heater and abandoned oil tanks. How much will these repairs cost? Your real estate agent will help you find expert contractors who will give you an estimate as to how much it will cost to make the repairs. Your attorney or real estate agent will negotiate on your behalf which repairs you will do or whether you will give the buyer a credit against the balance of the purchase price due at closing.

6. Real estate taxes/sewer fees – you have paid your real estate taxes when they became due, perhaps quarterly, semi-annually, or once a year. When you sell your house, the buyer reimburses you for the taxes you prepaid, calculated from the closing date to the date on which the next tax payment is due. Occasionally, the closing is scheduled for a date before the taxes have been paid. If you haven’t paid the taxes by the closing date, the buyer pays the taxes and you reimburse the buyer. Some towns charge a separate sewer fee that is also subject to reimbursement by the buyer or the seller, depending on when the sewer fee is due and whether it was paid before the closing.

7. Homeowner association fees – this fee is charged when the property is a condominium or in a planned community. The fee that has been already paid by the seller is allocated between the seller and the buyer according to the closing date. If the seller has not paid the homeowner association fee before the closing date, the seller will owe the buyer for a portion of the fee.

Unfortunately, the closing expenses always seem to be higher than what a seller expects. Your attorney or real estate agent will be able to guide you through the process so that you will not be totally surprised.

Robin M. Gronsky, Esq. has been practicing residential real estate law for over 20 years. Her office is in Ridgewood, New Jersey. She can be reached at RGronsky@Gronskylaw.com or at 866-821-4602.

What Are Indoor Pollutants?

Indoor air pollution involves a great deal more than Mold. There are many indoor pollutants that can produce health effects similar to Mold. The difference lies in people’s acceptance of conditions that are less than desirable.

Occasionally, we are called to collect Mold samples in a home or building because of odors or discomfort felt by the occupants. Once the laboratory results come back showing normal levels of Mold spores, we must turn our attention to other concerns.

There are two main categories of indoor contaminants:

  • Biological contaminants: Mold, bacteria, pollen, and viruses. Certain Molds produce microbial volatile compounds (MVOC) and some of these are known to be toxic. Mold gives off a musty odor, while bacteria gives off an odor similar to rotten eggs.
  • Chemical contaminants: Adhesives, carpeting, upholstery, manufactured wood products, copy machines, pesticides, and cleaning agents may emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde. The smell varies according to the chemicals. Tobacco smoke can also contribute to high levels of VOCs.
The Environmental Protection Agency states that certain VOC’s are carcinogens. It warns that low to moderate levels of multiple VOCs may produce acute reactions and some can cause chronic and acute health effects at high concentrations. See IMPROVING AIR QUALITY WITH PLANTS.

“Sick Building Syndrome”, or SBS, refers to certain symptoms that affect some occupants while they are in a building and disappear when they leave. The symptoms cannot be traced to specific pollutants or sources. It is believed that energy conservation measures following the energy crunch of the 70s have contributed to SBS. The “superinsulation” improved energy efficiency while reducing fresh air exchange. In the late 1970s, workers began complaining of various health problems, such as itchy eyes, skin rashes, drowsiness, respiratory and sinus congestion, headaches, and other allergy-related symptoms. Dr. Wolverton offered the following explanation:

"The airtight sealing of buildings contributed significantly to the workers’ health problems. Similarly, synthetic building materials, which are known to emit or “off-gas” various organic compounds, have been linked to numerous health complaints."16

In 1989, the EPA submitted a report to Congress in which more than 900 organic chemicals were identified in newly constructed buildings. The report warned that some chemicals were in amounts one hundred times the norm. Today, the EPA states that “… contaminant concentration levels rarely exceed existing standards and guidelines even when occupants continue to report health complaints.”17 Considering the large number of VOCs found in buildings, collecting air samples of volatile compounds may or may not identify possible causes of occupants’ discomfort.

While working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Dr. Wolverton conducted many experiments involving the use of indoor plants to help remove indoor contaminants. His research concluded that specific plants play a role in removing specific volatile compounds, such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), and others.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Charles and Danielle Dobbs are principals of Dobbs Enterprises, a Mold inspection and sampling company based in Maitland, Florida. They are authors of Mold Matters – Solutions and Prevention, and have written many articles. They founded the International Institute of Professional Mold Inspectors, http://www.iipmi.com where they offer online courses on water intrusion and Mold management. A unique telephone consulting service, a first in the nation, provides homeowners and building owners with an unbiased expert opinion or guidance about their particular Mold problem.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Coverage of a first time home buyers loan.

Home buyers often find that the home they want for themselves are way beyond what they can afford to bring out of their bank accounts. This can be a very disheartening experience, especially for first time home buyers who want to buy their own home and who have high hopes about it. Usually, for those who want to buy a home for themselves, the best way they can afford the home of their dreams is to take out a loan. This is usually known as a mortgage loan. For a first time home buyer, loans such as mortgage loans can be very confusing. It is very important for a first time home buyer to get the right type of loan.

Some loans can be pretty expensive and it is sometime difficult to determine the actual cost of a loan, especially for a first time home buyer. Mortgage loans can either be a fixed rate loan or a variable rate loan. A fixed rate loan offers the same interest rate and payment rate every month. With a fixed rate loan, you will always know how much you will need to pay every month and you will know when you have already accomplished all of your loan payments. With a variable rate loan, you can start with a lower interest rate as well as a lower monthly payment. However, your interest rate and your monthly payment amount can change several times over the lifetime of your loan. Usually, this amount is tied up to a financial index like the U.S. Treasury Securities index. It is also important to find out the coverage of a first time home buyers loan.

5 Deadly Home Trade Up Mistakes - 5 Deadly Trade Up Mistakes So you’re thinking of trading up. This time when you buy there is a new wrinkle. It’s not like the last time when you didn’t already own a home, this time you already own a home.

Property Taxes and Oversized House - Property Taxes and Oversized House Now, the long time homeowners are also finding a problem with the tax cap. They can't afford to downsize, because the added property tax prices on a new home purchase would eat up any savings they might make in mortgage

Trends in the Development of Golf Communities - Golf communities are becoming more popular than ever. That’s because families are realizing the value of living in a gated community that also offers plenty of activities and the like close by.

A mortgage loan will usually cover four expenses that a home buyer will face when they are buying a home. However, not all loans cover them. A mortgage will cover several expenses such as the principal payment, the interest, the home insurance and the city or county taxes that are due for the home. Usually, a mortgage loan can last for 30 years. There are also mortgage loans that only last for 15 years. It is important to note that the shorter the lifetime of a loan is, the higher will be the payments required.With mortgage loans, it is common to be paying more in terms of interest than principal. Usually, you will be paying around two to three times more in terms of interest than you will be with your principal amount. The first few years of loan payment you will be making will usually be for the interest rate of the loan while the last few payments will be for the principal amount.

Testing for black mold firstly requires

Black Mold Removal
Black mold removal is something that you have to be careful with because black mold is toxic. You really do need to have good information about what black mold looks like and how it forms. It only takes a short period of time to do the required testing and inspection of your home to make sure that it is a safe place for your family. You should be particularly aware of any allergies that someone in your household has. This could be your first hint that you need to look at black mold removal.
Basements and bathrooms are the prime places for black mold testing and inspection in homes. This is because these are the places in the house most known for being damp and having a lot of moisture. Black mold can form on any surface – cement, tiles, or even the countertop if you don’t take special care to keep it clean and dry. There are testing kits for black mold that you can use yourself, so testing and inspection of your home is not a costly proposition. There are also excellent products on the market for black mold removal.

Once you do the black mold testing and inspection and find some places where there is black mold, before you start black mold removal, make sure the area is well-ventilated. If the black mold is concentrated in a small space, you can easily clean it with bleach and water, for difficult jobs you will need to use a commercial black mold removal product. You do have to make sure that you dry the area completely because any excess moisture will only be a new breeding ground for the black mold to return.

Testing for black mold firstly requires looking to see if there is any visible mold on the walls or floors of your basement. However, mold is not always visible because it can form in cracks and really small spaces. With black mold testing and inspection, you are really testing the air quality in your home because once mold spores are present they will be air-borne. Simple testing using a petrie dish containing a disc will let you know within two days if you have to consi der black mold removal.
When you get ready to start black mold removal, wear a facemask and rubber gloves so that you don’t breathe in the black mold spores or let them touch your skin. This could cause serious respiratory problems. There are removal products on the market that kill the black mold. But make sure you always read the label and make sure that you follow all safety procedures for use of the product. Black mold removal is something that you may have to do several times to make sure you kill all the mold spores.
To find out more about Mold removal visit Peter's Website The Mold Removal Guide and find out about Mold Removal Products and more, including Mold allergies and toxic Mold.
Black Mold and Their Eating HabitsBasement Mold Mold RemovalPreventing Bathroom Mold

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Home Mold Education

Mold Test Kit - Mold Test Kit How It Can Help You get Rid of Your Mold

Remove Mold Growing Food - Stop Mold Invasion- Remove Mold Growing Food Molds are the microscopic organism which invade the food items and develop upon

Get Rid of Mold - Mold Killer-Get Rid of Mold Permanently There are many products on the market that will kill the mold and remove it from your home, but it keeps coming back.

Removing Mold in Your Home - Tips in Removing Mold in Your Home Exposure to mold can lead to colds, respiratory complications, nasal problems, and sinus congestions.

What Every Home Buyer Should Know about Mold - What Every Home Buyer and Seller Should Know about Mold Health problems from indoor mold produce allergens. Allergic responses include hay fever type symptoms such as red eyes, runny nose, sneezing and skin rashes.

Basement Mold - Basement mold is the most common mold that you will encounter in your home. This is because the basement is underground and is usually not developed as the rest of the house, and so is the perfect breeding ground

Exterior Home Inspection Checklist

As discussed in part one of the complete list of items to inspect the home inspection is a very valuable service, but there is an inherent conflict of interest because many companies inspect, recommend and then did the cure. Use a home inspection company with a good reputation, word of mouth is best.
Landscaping:Landscaping is an important part of the curb appeal of any property. It also can be an expensive and time consuming part of the upkeep of the property. Consider:
Trees:Are they close to the house_____Roots too close to plumbing_____Branches too close to roof line_____Old or leaning trees nearby_____
High maintenance plants/bushes_____High water use necessary_____Use of indiginious plants_____Planting too close to exterior walls trapping water_____Ivy growing on exterior walls_____
Soil piled up against exterior walls causing pest damage_____Grade slopping towards house trapping water_____
Swimming Pool:
Cleaning and filtering system work_____Thermostat accurate_____Check for leaks or cracks_____
The cost of a new roof is expensive and a good inspection will save you money. If the roof looks old or if there are more than two layers, then pay special attention to old leaks and bulges in the interior and exterior walls.
Material_____Age of the roof_____Shingles need replacing_____Tar paper exposed to sun_____Gutters clean_____ sagging_____Roof line sagging_____any bulges_____Number of layers of roof_____Chimney properly sealed to the roof_____Any sagging_____Bracing_____
Propane Tanks:
Age_____Size_____Indication of leaks nearby_____Is the area marked for safety_____
Location of the line known_____Any indication of leaks_____Good water pressure in the bathroom_____
Building Exterior:
Age of last paint job_____Crackling_____Peeling_____Exposed wood_____Dry or rotting wood trim_____Stucco: Stucco develops hairline cracks and then begins to open up, allowing moisture into the framing of the house
Hairline cracks_____Open or damaged stucco exposed_____recent patches_____Shingles: Shingles provide good protection but do have a shelf lifeAge of shingles_____Cracked shingles_____Missing shingles_____
Doors and Windows:
Pay special attention to the trim areas and the framing for dry or rotting wood. This can indicate much more damage to the structure.
Doors:Are they secure_____Door frame showing signs of dry rot_____Door fits flush_____Door at an angle and settling_____
Are they secure_____Window frame showing signs of dry rot_____Windows fits flush_____Windows at an angle and settling_____Screens_____Sticking_____
Mud sill securely fastened_____House securely bolted to foundation_____Cracks or breaks_____Any misalignment or settling_____Soil contacting framing_____Brick:Age_____Missing Bricks_____Soft or crumbling bricks_____
Age_____Soft or crumbling cement_____
All posts counted for_____Sagging_____Rotting_____
Garage:Roof(see above list)_____Exterior(see above list)_____Firewall between the house and the garage_____Pooling of oil or other fire hazards_____Garage door working_____Check electrical components of the door for age and wear_____
Driveway:All the questions regarding framing and roof applyAge_____Driveway buckling_____Potholes_____Driveway graded not to pool water_____Well lit_____Blind spots into traffic_____
We believe that knowledge should be free and freely shared.
Questions to Ask Any Home Inspection CompanyWhat Problems May Be Lurking In Your Next HomeThings to Keep in Mind During Your InspectionDo Your Roof Inspection Now

Monday, August 6, 2007

Water seeping through the concrete which causes mold and mildew

Waterproofing Foundations - You Can Do That

If your basement smells musty it's because of water seeping through the concrete which causes mold and mildew. Once mold spores settle in your basement all it needs is moisture to begin growing and digesting whatever it is growing on. The majority of common molds are not a concern to someone who is healthy. If you have allergies or asthma, molds can cause skin rash, eye irritation, cough, running nose, congestion, and aggravation of your asthma. It is very important to make sure your basement is waterproofed.
If you are building a new house or have an older house talk to a company in your area that specializes in waterproofing foundations. That can be costly so you may consider doing it yourself.

I will list some import information below that can help you out.
Once the foundation is exposed apply to the foundation a rubberized asphalt sealer, I list a few types below. Before the application dries, cover the foundation with R-10 insulating panels. These products can be found at stores like home depot.
Always run drain tiles around the outside of the footings to keep water from collecting at the bottom of the panels and then back fill around the foundation. Also it is important to make sure you have gutters and the downspouts divert the water away from your house.

Choosing a Product:

Liquid Membranes

You apply a liquid membrane by spray, roller, or trowel. The liquid cures into a rubbery coating on the wall.

Sheet Membranes

There is a product that has a self-adhering rubberized asphalt membranes. They are composed of rubberized asphalt laminated to a waterproof polyethylene film.
Cementitious Waterproofing
Mix this product and use a long handled brush to apply, buy acrylic additive (a white, milky liquid) to mix in with the cement product. You'll get better bonding and a more solid, durable coating.

Built-up Systems

This is an asphalt-and-felt built-up system. With these systems, you fir st apply a concrete primer. You then mop on a coating of hot tar (which is heated in a large asphalt kettle), followed immediately by application of a sheet of perforated felt, extending the system right out onto the footing. You keep staggering the felt sheets until you have three layers of felt with a final coating of tar.

Surface Preparation

Make sure you have a clean wall. Dry off all footings, sweep standing water off with a broom, then dry the damp spot with the torch and scrape off excess and loose material from walls and footings. Pay special attention to the footing. Quite often, puddles of congealed slurry form on the footing when the wall is poured. Sweep off the walls and especially the footings. Waterproofing materials wont‚’t stick to a dirty surface.

Waterproofing Curing Time

Check the manufacturer’s requirements for concrete curing time. Concrete must be cured a minimum of seven days and sometimes up to 14 days before membrane application.. This is because the concrete will continue to dry long after it's poured.
I didn't get into great detail on how to go about this project I recommend that you find someone that has experience with waterproofing to help you and provide guidance. If you are building a house the dirt will already be away from the foundation, older homes will require you to rent a backhoe which will require a little more skill on your part. This project is doable so get out there and give it a go. Good luck with your project.
Dennis Watson - Just helping others succeed.
Zeoh.com Free Classifieds Web Site =>http://www.zeoh.com/
You Can Do That Web Blog =>http://www.you-can-do-that.blogspot.com/

Concrete Facts Firm Foundations Are Essential

Fire proof garbage bin

Advancing Technology Trash Cans
“Sleep is when all the unsorted stuff comes flying out as from a dustbin upset in a high wind” is a quotation by William G Golding, winner of Nobel Prize for literature.
Definition of garbage bin differs from dictionary to dictionary depending upon the region and most appropriate definition is:

“A waste container (known more commonly in British English as a dustbin and American English as a trash can) is a container, which can be made out of metal or plastic used to store refuse. Other names include rubbish bin, litter bin, trash barrel, garbage can and trash bin.”
Let us look into the practical side of dustbin or garbage bin or trash can or ………….
Lining the indoor garbage bins with garbage bags is essential to keep it clean and to make the removal of the garbage easier without touching the rubbish.

Are you worried about the environment? You have this choice of environmentally friendly twin-bin feature which keeps organic and compostable matter separate from all other waste. The lid opens smoothly by touch. This model comes with a removable stainless steel lid unit along with a special ventilation hole in the inner bucket. To prevent damage to the floor, the base is made of plastic.

Then there is this auto open garbage bin which will automatically open the lid when the hand is near 8” above the garbage can. It will close automatically after 5 seconds. These automatic features are handled by an infrared sensor. For more info visit www.abinisabin.info
The conventional garbage can comes with a close fitting lid to keep in unpleasant smells. They are mostly used in kitchens or a living area. It can be opened with a stainless steel foot pedal.
A fire proof garbage bin is more ideal for large or busy households with lot of children. They have bright colored exteriors looking beautiful and tough. The other additional feature is a fire safe trap to self extinguish flames. Cleaning them is also easier and the self closing steel doors provide safety and control over the odor.

The latest gadget is a Clever Dustbin. This dustbin uses infrared technology and when you sweep the dirt and debris close by it automatically sucks it up and you are saved of all the hassles of collecting and dropping the dust into the bin. What will our inventors be thinking of next!!

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles here. For more info visit Trash Cans or Touchless Bins

Keeping Your Dog Out of the Trash Recycling Pays Dividends

The benefits and cost savings of solar attic fans

Energy Savings from Solar Products

Solar power doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition for the homeowner, emptying your pocketbook and putting you into debt. There are products on the market that can give you immediate rewards in the form of decreased electric bills. The two products that first come to mind are the solar attic fans and tubular skylights. This article concentrates on the benefits and cost savings of solar attic fans.

Solar attic fans save the homeowner money directly and indirectly. The roof receives direct, intense rays from the sun. Whether it’s a shingled roof or a metal roof, heat begins building up in the attic space. Moisture also enters the attic space from daily activities such as bathing, cooking, laundry, etc. Unless this heat and moisture is removed, damage can occur in the form of mold, mildew, and dry rot.

When the attic space overheats, the shingled roof will heat on the underside of the shingles. This causes unnecessary wear and tear on your shingles and you risk wea ring them out before the end of the warranty period. Shingle manufacturers are aware of this and require ventilation for a correctly installed roof to be covered under their warranty. This information can be found on the shingle package wrapper. Most shingle manufactures even offer formulas on their web sites, which will assist you in determining just how much attic ventilation is required.
Without adequate attic ventilation, the manufacturer may consider it an incorrect installation. What does this mean?

For example, imagine that you paid $4000.00 for the installation of a 25-year shingle. However, after 10 years it appears as though the corners are curled, and it’s leaking. You contact the shingle manufacturer and complain of shingle failure. They examine the shingles under a microscope and determine that the excessive wear was from overheating caused by lack of adequate ventilation. Unfortunately, the warranty only covers correctly installed shingles and yours were not. This results in another $4000.00 for a new roof, or your INDIRECT expense for inadequate attic ventilation.

Here’s a quick check for attic overheating? Climb up a ladder, about 4-5 feet. Be careful! Is the room warmer the further up you go? This is not a good sign. This could mean that the air conditioner is working overtime to cool the inside of your home because the overheating in the attic space causes warming of your ceilings. Particularly when you KNOW that you have adequate attic insulation. That means more electricity usage than necessary, which results in higher electric bills. Thus, another INDIRECT expense!

An attic fan uses about 350-400 watts of power. These fans have the thermostats that are set to start the fan when a certain temperature is reached, usually around 85 to 90 degrees. They will then run as long as it takes to get the temperature back down. It costs $10.00 a month or more just to run the attic fan. The DIRECT expense comes in winter when the temperature outside remains low an d the thermostat doesn’t cause the fan to run. As a result, the moisture remains in the attic with no place to go.

A correctly installed solar attic fan runs from sun-up to sundown, summer or winter at no cost for operation. With air in the attic space constantly being circulated during the day, attic space temperatures remain lower. That means a cooler attic, less work for your air conditioner, and your shingles don’t deteriorate before their life expectancy. Moisture escapes and the risk of damage greatly decreases. Thus preserving the integrity of one of your greatest investments – your home. Ultimately this results in lower electric bills and money savings for the homeowner.
The cost of a solar attic fan will vary depending on the manufacturer, the roofer, and the area of the country. Usually under $600.00 including installation is a reasonable rate. Quality and correct installation are paramount. The solar fan with installation will generally cost less than the price of an electric fa n. Properly installed the solar fan produces no risk of shorting out and causing fires.

As you can see, the benefits of solar attic ventilation far outweigh the risks. Consider letting the sun cool your hot attic space and save you money!
Planning a home improvement? Lem Burnet has been in the home improvement business for over 30 years. http://www.bhomeexteriors.com

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